What up everyone it's the crystal chick! Ok so this post is about a cool rock that is allied a desert rose. I'll bet when you hear that you think of a plant right? Nope it's actually a kind of galena, which has forms ranging from selenite (I have a lamp I'm my room made out of it) to desert rose.
Desert roses can range in size and number from a single tiny rose no bigger around than a dime...
To really big ones that have hundreds of roses up to a few inches accross!
I got this cluster of desert roses on a trip to Utah I went on the summer before last. Don't even ask how I got this thing through the airport in my carry-on!
Most look about like this or smaller. I see a lot of them that are a single rose to about three or four that are about an inch in diameter each. That's a normal size for these.
This is selenite, one of the other forms of galena. And before you ask 8Se people NO it is not selenIUM it is selenITE. Big difference. It comes in everything from wands like this to lamps or carved into spirals or pillars.
So in the next couple weeks I will be doing more rock posts and less story posts since I want to get through a bunch of rocks before my presentation on the 21st XD. I at least want to be able to do a few demonstrations. You can see what those are later :).
Sneak peek into next week: It is blue it is green and it's name means glue. It sticks to your finger and it's really cool too!